The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Director: John Huston | Genre: Adventure, Drama, Western

Released: 1948 | Runtime: 126 min

Fred Dobbs and Bob Curtin, two Americans searching for work in Mexico, convince an old prospector to help them mine for gold in the Sierra Madre Mountains.

Stars of this Movie

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Quotes

  • [Howard eats, while Dobbs and Curtin snooze]
    Howard: Hey you fellas, how 'bout some beans? You want some beans? Goin' through some mighty rough country tomorrow, you'd better have some beans.
  • [ Howard eats, while Dobbs and Curtin snooze ]
    Howard : Hey you fellas, how 'bout some beans? You want some beans? Goin' through some mighty rough country tomorrow, you'd better have some beans.
  • Dobbs : Can you help a fellow American down on his luck?
  • Dobbs : Nobody puts one over on Fred C. Dobbs.
  • Gold Hat: Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!
  • Bob Curtin: Remember what you said back in Tampico about having to carry that old man on our backs?
    Fred C. Dobbs: That was when I took him for an ordinary human being, not part goat.
  • Dobbs: You two guys musta been born in a revival meeting.
  • Fred C. Dobbs: You know, if I was a native, I'd get me a can of shoe polish and I'd be in business. They'd never let a gringo. You can sit on a bench 'til you're three-quarters starved... you can beg from another gringo... you can even commit burglary. You try shinin' shoes in the street, peddlin' lemonade out of a bucket, and your hash is settled. You'll never get another job from an American.
    Bob Curtin: Yeah, and the natives would hound and pester you to death.
    Fred C. Dobbs: Some town to be broke in.
    Bob Curtain: What town isn't?
  • Howard: Aah, gold's a devilish sort of thing, anyway. You start out, you tell yourself you'll be satisfied with 25,000 handsome smackers worth of it. So help me, Lord, and cross my heart. Fine resolution. After months of sweatin' yourself dizzy, and growin' short on provisions, and findin' nothin', you finally come down to 15,000, then ten. Finally, you say, Lord, let me just find $5,000 worth and I'll never ask for anythin' more the rest of my life.
    Flophouse Bum: $5,000 is a lot of money.
    Howard: Yeah, here in this joint it seems like a lot. But I tell you, if you was to make a real strike, you couldn't be dragged away. Not even the threat of miserable death would keep you from trying to add 10,000 more. Ten, you'd want to get twenty-five; twenty-five you'd want to get fifty; fifty, a hundred. Like roulette. One more turn, you know. Always one more.
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