Amy Davidson

Amy Davidson


Radiating the screen with her engaging presence and captivating talent, Amy Davidson has quickly become one of Hollywood's most intriguing young actresses. Born in Phoenix, Arizona, Davidson discovered her love for entertaining when her parents enrolled her in dance classes as a young child. As a member of the award-winning dance production company, "Dance Motion", Davidson sharpened her skills for ballet, point, hip hop and modern dancing. After years of captivating audiences at national dance competitions and annual "Dance Motion" productions, the seasoned performer developed an affinity for acting. During her last years in high school, Davidson was introduced to an agent and soon began doing commercial work. She also began mentoring with acting coach Gene Fowler, who recognized her talent and encouraged her to move to Hollywood to further her acting career. Davidson took his advice and, without having any connections in the entertainment industry, she packed her belongings and hea
  • Where was
    Amy Davidson born?

    Amy Davidson was born in Phoenix, Arizona, USA

  • How much is Amy Davidson worth?

    Amy Davidson is worth $2 Million

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