Antonio Collado

Antonio Collado


Antonio was born and raised in the New York City area of Brooklyn and in some parts of Dominican Republic, which is where my parents came from. He's been writing pretty much almost everything since my high school days. It all began as a way of expressing his thoughts on paper. Just by utilizing a stroke through a writing instrument, all of his thoughts fully flowed from his brain towards his hand. Antonio was able to create the words that were inside his head come to life. In high school he began writing poetry and was involved in a journalism class. But as a photographer and not necessarily a writer. He also wanted to develop his writing skills and make it into something more than just a few lines that were full of passion and blissful subtleties that made one's own body quiver. His teachers would often say to him how well they loved his writing, but were lacking and was missing some form of structure. At the time he was unable to quite understand what they meant by that if all he was doing was putting words together that made actual sense to him. But it was because of that encouragement that he continued to write. As Antonio continued to develop his skills he tried to learn the proper way of writing. The more he went up in grade level the more his words became more refined and more firmer, you could say that his words actually became more defined as he grew with age. Antonio was influenced a lot by a friend of his named James, who was making homemade movies from the confines of his father's home in his basement. That was the very moment that he truly began to explore a new perspective in the writing scene. His college years were mostly a blur when he felt that his speech professors were not really challenging him at all. It was due to the fact that they at one time gave him an assignment to write up a two page speech where they would have read it in front of the entire classroom. He totally forget to even write one. Antonio was working the night before and had fallen asleep the moment he got home. He took a blank sheet of paper from a classmate and basically made an oral speech report while just looking at a white sheet of paper. The professor never even asked him to submit the paper for grading. Antonio's other influence in his life has been one of his best friends since forever. His name was Joshua. Joshua is an incredible individual who has the greatest potential to take the world into his hands and make it his own. His character alone was enough to make Antonio know that life is lived through one's heart. No matter the obstacle in your way you can always overcome it. Antonio's last influence but not least at all, is the one love of his life, Mellissa. She is the one that gave life to the very essence of his words. For if it were not for her the word beauty would not have any meaning. She is a wonderful person that not even the words can be used to define or to give her the utmost respect that is worthy of grazing and defining how much she means to him. But know that his life could not be complete without her in it.
  • How tall is Antonio Collado?

    Antonio Collado is 5'8"(1.73m)

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