Isaac Witty
Isaac Witty's love for comedy was planted at an early age. Most of his childhood was spent in the back pew watching his parents perform sketch comedy in various churches across the country. Over the course of a career that has spanned nearly two decades, Isaac has developed a quirky and sometimes even dark style that does not fit the mold of your average clean comedian. Most people don't notice till after the show that they could have brought their grandmother. With his perfect timing and unique cadence, he hits his punchlines hard but can also play pauses and silence for big laughs. Not only was Isaac asked to be a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman, which is no small feat in the world of comedy, but is also one of the very few comics to have ever performed stand-up on Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion.
How tall is Isaac Witty?
Isaac Witty is 6'1"(1.87m)
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