Paco Flores

Paco Flores


Francisco "Paco" Maria Flores was born on June 4th, 2004 in Del Rio, Texas. Growing up on the border allowed him to experience two cultures at close proximity enabling Paco to be both a US and Mexican citizen. He's been passionate about entertaining and has taken any possible opportunity to put on a show since he was 3. His favorite times were the weekends when his parents would have house guests, which would give him the chance to "entertain people" with magic shows, dancing or skits. He continued to perform at the local theater in talent shows, community theater productions and school plays. His love of storytelling, traveling and movies has only grown, and at age 9 he is certain that his path in life is to be a writer, director and actor. Always insisting to his parents of his path, until finally getting a break and beginning acting school with his coach Brad Milne, who prepared him for his first ever audition in which he was cast as the lead role in a USC thesis film, Para Ellos. Having being granted such an extraordinary opportunity of working in Los Angeles as a professional actor, where he was able to experience set life firsthand has further developed his passion for the art of acting, and movie making.

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