

Genre: Action, Crime, Drama | Released: 2015-2018

A blind lawyer by day, vigilante by night. Matt Murdock fights the crime of New York as Daredevil.

Stars of this Series

Daredevil Quotes

  • Daredevil: Hey, how ya doing?
    Jose Quesada: [being strangled] Didn't you hear? I was acquitted.
    Daredevil: Not by me.
  • Franklin Nelson: What happens to that lie detector of yours when it detects your own bull****?
  • Daredevil: Hey, how ya doing?
    Jose Quesada: [Being strangled by the billy-club cable] Didn't you hear? I was acquitted.
    Daredevil: Not by me.
    Jose Quesada: Who made you judge?
    Daredevil: Wh - You did.
  • Bullseye: You're good, baby, I'll give you that... but me? I'm magic.
  • Ben Urich: Go get 'em, Matt.
    Daredevil: [nods] Hell's Kitchen is my neighborhood. I prowl the rooftops and alleyways at night, watching from the darkness. Forever in darkness. A guardian devil.
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