Flying Blind

Flying Blind

Genre: Comedy | Released: 1992-1993

This short-lived FOX sitcom featured Neil, a shy repressed guy who meets the girl of his dreams, Alicia, who is gorgeous and wild. Amazingly, they begin to date and the striking contrast ... See full summary??

Flying Blind Quotes

  • [last lines]Kahil: You people you think you know everything... YOU know NOTHING
    Frankie: You're right
  • Robert: meeting what's his name?
    Frankie: What's his name and I finished a couple weeks ago. He cried and said thank you after sex.
  • Frankie: Say something to me in Arabic.
    Kahil: Say something to me in Bristol English first.
    Frankie: [Frankie moves within an inch of Kahill's lips and softly states]Take your shirt off.
    Kahil: [Kahill moves nose to nose with Frankie and says something in Arabic dialog].
    Frankie: Which means? [Kahill indicates he is not going to translate]
    Frankie: Is there anything you've just said that should stop me from kissing you? [pause]
    Frankie: I'll be back in a minute.
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