Christy Mathewson

Christy Mathewson


Baseball was a popular sport in its first 30 years, but it had always lacked one thing: a superstar. The 19th century was full of great players who won great popularity, but one thing the period lacked was a superstar the masses could idolize. The sport eventually did find its first superstar in the form of Christy Mathewson, a handsome, college-educated gentleman who stood as the shining star in the brutal world of early baseball.
  • When was
    Christy Mathewson born?

    Christy Mathewson was born on Thursday, August 12, 1880

  • Where was
    Christy Mathewson born?

    Christy Mathewson was born in Factoryville, Pennsylvania, USA

  • How old was
    Christy Mathewson when they died?

    Christy Mathewson was 45

  • When did Christy Mathewson die?

    Christy Mathewson died on
    Wednesday, October 7, 1925

  • How tall is Christy Mathewson?

    Christy Mathewson is 6'2"(1.88m)

Best Quotes

  • You can learn little from victory. You can learn everything from defeat.
  • Christy Mathewson Quotes- See more quotes

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